Sunday December 9,2018
Our first day in Costa Rica, Monet, Kim and I landed late last night and stayed at the Hampton Hotel. We almost missed breakfast. Kim and I went down to eat breakfast, I really didn't know what to expect. It was a complimentary breakfast, like we have in the "states". As I walked in the room the set up looked familiar. I seen a waffle maker, some hot food and cold cereal. The closer I got to the food I started to see some unfamiliar things that were not breakfast items. Beans and rice, some sliced bananas with some sort of sauce, I looked at Kim, and she said, that this is their main food they eat here. So I dished out, wanting to try something new. I also dished some mush out as a back up plan. We took our food to the room, just in case I had to spit anything out, I didn't want offend the locals. As I tried it out, my stomach and my mind wasn't ready to eat unfamiliar foods. The food didn't taste bad, but my stomach was leery, so I nibbled and went with the mush. It was hard finding a ride to our next destination, two Ubbers turned us down, so we went with a taxi. We then left the hotel to go to Hotel Airporto. We didn't know what to expect as we drove through the city. We did not expect the driving to be so crazy, our driver almost hit a couple of pedestrian, in Costa Rica, pedestrians do not have the right of way. The bigger the vehicle the more of a right of way that you have. It is a very fast paced aggressive driving. We almost thought we was headed to the bad side of town, we pulled up to a gated property to our destination. The hotel was nice. Not fancy but nice and comfortable. They had a garden around the hotel that I checked out. I seen a lime tree for the first time as well as a lot of other vegetation. Dinner came fast and there I was faced with unfamiliar food. My stomach was still a little upset. I ordered steak it came with mashed potatoes and veggies. It was good, but my appetite was not good. So I nibbled. I was able to call home and talk to my family. BED TIME. To be continued.....
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